“I want to go to the gym, but I cannot” Issues.

Lately I’ve been eating a lot. My mother does nothing to help the fact that I need to lose weight. In fact, she’s ecstatic that I am so hungry all the time. Earlier I’d eat two square meals a day just to keep her vocal cords safe. But now, I’m beginning to think she’s taking…


From You to You To My 14 Year Old Self: It is your birthday. Maybe not a very happy birthday. You’re a little grumpy. You’re always grumpy on your birthdays. Well… you’re grumpy in general. But I know it is a good day, in fact. I know that despite everything- mum and dad made you…

When Visiting India

I haven’t written a real post in a while, and it is so refreshing to have something to talk about again. We all know that India is all the rage in foreign countries, what with all the tradition and heritage. So I thought, as an Indian citizen- and currently part-resident, I could give you all…


Waking up, only to go back to sleep. The days aren’t days, the nights not nights. Smiles won’t reach your eyes, Emotions just aren’t deep. Experts that we’ve become, Of living in black and white. Time is flying, Awareness, but not enough. Thinking, but not thinking. Good days, or bad, Don’t matter- it’s always rough….